Bond Proceeds Investing & Arbitrage Rebate

Within a public funds investment program, it is important to recognize the tax implications associated with the investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds. This session will cover basic arbitrage rebate and yield restriction compliance concepts and apply them to investment strategies for project, debt service and other bond proceeds accounts in order to maximize your retainable investment income and implement strategies to enhance your investment program.

When you complete these sessions, you should be able to:

  • List three types of risk to manage in bond proceeds investing
  • Identify and apply the rules for spending exceptions to arbitrage rebate
  • List the two types of IRS regulations that apply to tax-exempt borrowings.

Bond Proceeds Investing & Arbitrage Rebate
DATE/TIME: August 22nd| 2:00pm
PRESENTER(S): Nelson L. Bush- Managing Director, PFM Asset Management LLC | Nathan Smith- Director, PFM Asset Management LLC | Dave Walters- Client Manager, PFM Asset Management LLC
FEE: $0 Members / $60 Non-Members
CEU/CPE: 1.0

TARGET AUDIENCE: Accounting and Finance, Purchasing, Internal Audit, Finance and Auditing, Member Benefit
TASBO WEBINARS: Handouts will be distributed via email a day prior to the event. No prerequisites are required to register.
ZOOM: This webinar will be presented on Zoom, and you will receive a Zoom link once registration is processed

CANCELLATION POLICY:  Cancellations are not accepted for live webinars. You may choose to transfer your registration to another online learning product in the TASBO store or upcoming live webinar in lieu of cancelling.

If you have questions regarding registration, payments, invoices, or changes, please email

8/22/2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM