Overview of State Compensatory Education Program Requirement
Overview of State Compensatory Education Program Requirement

Did you know that the primary and most important paper trail to support State Compensatory Education expenditures is the school district DIP and CIP or charter school instructional plan? Understanding the SCE Program begins with the purpose of the program and the allowable expenditures as defined in state law. Attend this session to learn about the SCE Program, including state compliance requirements and resources available to manage an effective SCE Program.

Overview of State Compensatory Education Program Requirement
Presenter: Rebecca Estrada, RTSBA, Chief Certification Officer, TASBO
Original Presentation: April 14, 2022v
Target Audience: Accounting, Finance
About TASBO Recorded Training: Presentation materials will be located in your online learning via your TASBO account. No prerequisites are required to register.

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