Converting Paper Records To Digital Workshop
The Converting Paper Records to Digital Workshop empowers leaders in public school business functions to develop a comprehensive plan for transitioning from paper-based resources to digital resources. Learn how to use the six-step process from "Start with the Vision" by Steven and Rob Shallenberger to implement the change in your district or organization. Two school business professionals who have successfully completed this transition will lead the workshop.
DATE: Tuesday, April 8
TIME: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
FEE: $235 Member | $310 Non-Member
MEALS: TASBO provides lunch.
CEU: 6
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations are only accepted in writing. Cancellations received seven (7) working days before the event are cancelled in full, those received one (1) to six (6) working days before the event are cancelled at 50 percent, and cancellations are not accepted the day of or after the event. If you do not cancel and/or do not attend, you are still responsible for payment. If TASBO cancels an event, you will be refunded in full.
With questions regarding registration, payments, or changes, please email