This virtual presentation will cover essential strategies for repaying your student loans efficiently, helping you avoid common pitfalls and eliminate your debt faster.
Topics covered include:
- Repayment: What am I signing up for? (How to select the right plan)
- Forgiveness: Terms and Conditions
- Default, Consolidation, and Refinancing: Programs & Pros/Cons
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 29, 2024 | 10:00 AM
Presenter: Marques Cormier, CFP, Senior Wealth Advisor, of TCG Trusted Capital Group
Cost: $0 Members / $75 Non-Members
Target Audience: Member Benefit
About TASBO Webinars: Handouts will be distributed via email a day prior to the event. No prerequisites required to register.
Zoom: This webinar will be presented>This is a sponsored webinar.